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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We shall see where. (none / 0) (#2)
    by maidintheus on Fri Nov 07, 2008 at 05:37:55 AM EST
    Reagan spread democracy around the world because we were in a "cold' war.

    Bush spread democracy around because we were in a hot "terrorists" war.

    Some of the differences are in the way we reacted.

    Also, when looking at "why we didn't win" we should look first at ourselves. One of the things that's interesting is how the left trashes Bush because he's so right and christian conservative. The right finds ways to Bash him too, based mostly on MSM evidence. So, it's interesting that the right and the left are saying the same thing about President Bush.

    Basically, the right agrees with the left and the left accusations are always apologized for as if they have merit.

    The Right let Sara Palin dangle in the wind when it came to RNC spending. Someone should have said to the accusers: 'The DNC has spent this, this, and this. You (Mr MSM Journalist) may want to discuss how and why the various political parties present themselves to a media savvy world but we're going to discuss the things McCain/Palin stand for on this, this, and this. '

    What happen to a good offense being a good defense?

    Yeah, good question, "where do we go from here."

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