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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We can wield any leftist or opponent as a club (none / 0) (#7)
    by Chris Arndt on Tue Nov 25, 2008 at 05:47:51 PM EST
    There are many candidates in many races whom I would not and did not support in their respective elections but I took great joy in having them in those races as they could be used to damage, take shots, at those candidates I have greater antipathy towards. For instance, I campaigned for Fred Thompson and did not care for Sam Brownback's border control policies yet since I did not wish for Mitt Romney to be the candidate, I enjoyed and appreciated Senator Brownback's activities. I tossed cash at Jack Hoogendyk's US Senate campaign not to achieve a victory but to spread his name and tales of Senator Levin's evils. If I had the cash I would have grown the Democrat Party-based attacks on the front-runners. No one says "Operation Chaos" was helping our enemies. Anytime a leftist can be wielded as a weapon against our ideological foes, I'm fine with it. Especially when that weapon is not likely to be directed back against us, and in the case of Joe Biden I certainly would not credit him with the Republican loss in November.

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