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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    They are their own enemy. (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Tue Nov 18, 2008 at 04:38:09 PM EST
    As a former non-voluntary member of the Unreasonable Auto Workers there is one thing that comes to mind. The UAW is the largest killer of jobs and potential jobs that has ever existed. I was a third generation member of that sad organization. My grandfather was at Ford when the union organized in the thirties. My mother was a member and President of her local.
    I understand the union mentality. Can anyone name the number of auto plants and other industries that have rejected Michigan as a place from which to do business? Here are just a few.
    The Nissan plant in Smyrna, TN was it was said interested many years ago in locating in Battle Creek Michigan. A sales agreement for 200 acres of land in the cities industrial park had been signed. They chose Tennessee. The most recent loss for a new auto plant is the VW plant that will go to Indiana. The Mazada plant that was over in the Detroit metro area was closed.
    Dalmer-Benz wouldn't even consider Michigan when they were looking to build in the US, choosing instead the Carolinas. Alabama has two or three auto plants that have opened in the last five years.
    Michigan is a tainted product. One reason is the unions. They have way more political power then their current membership would equate. The UAW had several million members in the early 1970s when I was forced to join. Now they have less then 500,000 simply because the jobs that their members would fill have gone to states where the work force has a real choice. That is something that of course Democrats and their union thug buddies want to change by returning to their billy club organizing tactics from the thirties. If given a choice most workers would opt out of union membership. But as we know the only choice the Socialist want to give anyone is when it concerns a womans right to commit the murder of her unborn child.
    Given the option Michigan workers understand the choice they would have if indeed they had that choice.
    One place that the union killed recently was place that I used to work. Started in 1917 United Steel and Wire Company was at the time I started there the largest producer of shopping carts and store fixtures in the world. The old wire milk cases that the milk man delivered dairy products in to peoples homes were made by the company. In the late sixites they pioneered the plastic dairy case producing millions each year. Things had been going poorly and the company was bought by a rival based in Virginia. The bottom line was. The Michigan shop was a union shop and therefore labor costs were higher. 140 more jobs died because of Granholm, Democrats and the UAW. Until the power of this enity is broken for once and for good nothing will get better in this state. Why put up with the hassel? Non-union members make high quality products as well. And those workers can advance with merit raises and bonuses that are not allowed in a labor contrat environment. Once you agree to accept the concept of unionism you are relagating yourself to the mediocraty that is the hallmark of the US labor movement.

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