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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Screw Milliken. He's to the LEFT of Granholm (none / 0) (#16)
    by Republican Michigander on Tue Nov 18, 2008 at 07:10:14 PM EST
    I'll listen to a lot of people on rebuilding the party. I'll listen to those with leanings similar to my own small l libertarian leanings. I'll listen to fiscal conservatives who need to be heard. I'll listen to true moderates. I'll listen to some liberal republicans, as well as evangelicals.

    But screw Milliken. He endorsed Granholm and John Kerry. Granholm! He OWNS this screw up as much as anyone else who voted for her. And John Kerry? He was until Obama, one of the biggest leftists ever to run for president. Milliken is no Republican. He's to the left of most democrats I know. He supports high taxes, high spending, abortion on demand, gun grabs, and everything else doctrine leftists support.

    Screw him. I'd vote for Granholm over Milliken.

    As far as the moving to the right, anyone who thinks the party moved right has his head up his rear end - like Milliken did when he was governor. I'm a post-Headlee Republican.

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