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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Whatever, it's a good reminder. (none / 0) (#87)
    by maidintheus on Fri Nov 06, 2009 at 10:34:59 AM EST
    Note that the group BASH and its like minded comrades aren't found doing their terrorizing in mosques of Islam. If their reasons for doing this terrorizing to this church were their real aim, the Islam ideology is about the worst offenders. Obviously, BASH and comrades are against all things American and Christian.

    P.S. In homicide investigations prior murders are examined for comparison to modus operandi. With terrorists, we can see that acts of terror can be performed by one individual with like minded group ideology, not always acts performed by two or more. Law enforcement and media usually connect these dots. We've seen this (terrorist activity) around the world, in and outside of the 'traditional' battle theater. There seems a reluctance to make the 'terrorist' connections with the Fort Hood, TX tragedy perpetrated by (Maj. Malik Nidal Hasan) a terrorist, our latest attack within our borders.

    As Michigan is a 'capital' of sorts, we need to properly make these connections and encourage others to as well, such as our politicians, our military, recruiters, and law enforcement, even media.

    If it looks, walks, talks, AND acts like a terrorist, it's a...simply "a horrific outburst of violence." Assuming that the commander in chief isn't going to be briefed first (much less thoroughly) this lack of connection to typical mode of operating is understandable. Comrade Nihad Awad takes personal responsibility of discouraging obvious connections whenever an Islamic believer is the perp, 'cause they're so peaceful, 'cause they say so, despite a 1500 year history that says otherwise, as well as their own written quran. This is not a sophisticated maze and a child could follow to its source. We people need to resist the accusers and take a stand for the truth.  
    Read more at: http://www.myfoxboston.com/dpp/news/dpgo_major-malik-nadal-hasan-fort-hood-shootings-1105091257462430381


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