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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    What change? (none / 0) (#8)
    by mikefisk on Fri Sep 07, 2007 at 08:31:11 AM EST
    The only change I see is coming in the form of higher taxes to send more money to the worst school districts in Michigan, while some of the best-performing districts (mostly rural districts in Northern Michigan) are on the brink of financial insolvency because they haven't seen hardly any increase in funding in years (while their union workforce continues to accept their mandated annual pay increases).

    So, as it stands, the people in the good public K-12 schools have little access to quality higher education in their area, while the best public universities in the state are focused around areas with abysmal student achievement in the K-12 schools.  So the good high school students either don't go to college or don't go to one that properly nurtures their abilities (or, if they're going that far anyways, just leave the state), and the good colleges recruit people from out of state to come in (who then leave after they graduate).  And, even when a good high school student graduates from a good college in Michigan, nobody's in a position to hire them, because the largest portion of Michigan's economy for the longest time has little use for college grads...

    And people wonder why the job market here is such a mess.

    "To all those whom I have not yet offended: Please stand by, and I will work to remedy the situation as soon as possible."

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