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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    VW and Dem Candidates - All DeVos's fault (none / 0) (#2)
    by John Galt on Wed Sep 05, 2007 at 03:54:44 PM EST
    Here we go again.  Chairman Mao Brewer is definitely a Democrat.  Couldn't find the correct person to blame, if his life depended on it.

    Of course, VW leaving is obviously Dick DeVos's fault.  And certainly we know the Democrats not coming to Michigan is GWB's fault.  And since Bouchard is "so much like" GWB, it's also his fault.

    And 1000 jobs leaving in 2007 is John Engler's fault, too.  He left Michigan structurally deficient to support VW's looming needs.  And definitely, County Exec L. Brooks Patterson.  It's his fault, cuz it's his county.  He could've offered to GIVE them money, to PAY THEM, on top of all of the non-existent negotiations the Governor had with VW.  Oakland County is in the Top 5 richest counties in the nation.  Certainly they could come up with money to buy those jobs back.

    And all of this while the Governor was on vacation.  She can't be blamed, taking the two week sojourn in Europe.  She leaves for TWO WHOLE WEEKS, and look at the mess we get ourselves into.  See, we need such compassionate leadership from Two Penny Jenny to set us straight.  We NEED her!

    I mean, her two week vacation employed an additional 13 people.  In Europe.  For two weeks.  Just think of what she could do in Michigan, now that she's rested!  Five years in office, that was nothing.  Look out baby, it's a new Governor and a new hair-do!

    Just think, in 2011, we'll be "blown away".  I'm waiting with baited breath!  Show us your spunk, Jenny!  You're 57,000 jobs in the hole... turn that negative sign into a positive!  Just think you can do it, and it'll happen baby!

    [end sarcasm]

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