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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Time for leaders to lead (5.00 / 1) (#3)
    by RushLake on Sat May 05, 2007 at 06:27:22 AM EST
    I watched Tim Skubick's program last evening on PBS (can't think of the name of it). I tuned in late so didn't get the names of all the panelists. One was a gentleman from WOOD TV in G.R. who appeared to be a lib, Bill Ballenger, and two females who also sounded to be condescending libs. Only Ballenger was consistently leery of tax increases. The others, including Skubick, were talking in the vein of what it would take to sell the taxpayers on tax increases. The underlying theme from most of the libs was that they just have to sell the great unwashed on the need for tax increases whether thru ballot initiative or otherwise, but taxes are the only fix. They have a consistent theme which is basically boot on the neck of the taxpayers, no matter how nicely shined the boot and how softly it is applied.

    I have, and do write to my elected Republican representation. I do write to the local papers, but it can't be just one voice writing from the conservative standpoint. Single voices tend to become dismissed as just "that one guy who doesn't like anything". I own homes in two counties, Wayne and Montmorency. I read the local press in those places. Even though the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers are lib owned, they will print submissions from conservatives because they need to fill up the space and like to present themselves as balanced. The same applies with the Montmorency County Tribune, The Alpena News, the Gaylord and Cheboygan papers. What I see in those papers are consistently submissions from people like (She's hardly L'il) Debbie Stabenow, (Pro Abort) Bart Stupak, and other Democrat nomenklatura. About the only Republican I see regularily is Thadeus McCotter.

    Democrats in Michigan are a target rich environment. Mrs. Mulhern is a huge target as is Karl Levin. Where is the MIGOP? I heard Saul Anszis on WJR on the Monday after Ann Coulter made her misquoted "faggot remark" about limp wrist Edwards. Frank Beckman asked him about that. That same weekend, and I don't remember specifics now, Karl Levin had made some utterly ignorant condescending remark undoubtedly on the conduct of the War on Terror probably on the People's Meet the Press or some other Democrat house organ. Instead of Anuzis taking the opportunity to launch on Levin's ignorant remarks on a 50,000 watt blow torch that reaches half of the midwest, he moans on in unison with Beckman about Coulter. These leaders must be on their game. They need to be prepared to change the subject to one that suits us. My response to phone calls asking for money for the Republcian Party is, "what are you gonna do with it if you get it?"

    Sorry if this is long, I don't mean to rant, but your comments strike a nerve and I think need to be taken seriously.  

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