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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Thank you for the representation of a true Liberal (4.00 / 1) (#11)
    by Rejoice39 on Thu Mar 22, 2007 at 11:22:30 AM EST
    For a "Communications GURU" you're not doing that great of a job, but that's beside the point.  As reported by the DEMS beloved reporter KBH--The Gov's daughter's B-day was on Tuesday not Wednesday (just for clarification to your FACT that the B-day was yesterday.)  Oh yeh, KBH also reported it was a lengthy lunch---more than an hour, (you are very good with the details!)


    To what matters here...What is the problem with making the Gov accountable for her actions?  There is nothing wrong with celebrating a b-day, but there is something wrong when the Gov. feels the need to lie about it.  If the Gov. feels the need to lie about celebrating lunch with her daughter, what else is she lying about?

    Furthermore, this story would not have gotten any attention if WZZM didn't report that the Gov. strangely ran out on the MML, and said she was going to be behind closed doors. Why would all sorts of press show up for a meeting with the Gov...if everyone there knew the Gov. was not even going to address the audience? Come on...


    The Gov. called Sen. Bishop out for not being able to meet on Monday, right?  Well, Sen. Bishop first asked the Gov. to meet on Friday (this must be a surprise to you!)...Surprise to everyone else the Gov. couldn't meet on Friday...She was probably celebrating her other daughter's b-day. So, the Gov. asked Bishop if he could meet Monday and he couldn't, and on Friday the Gov. knew this....But instead of just being satisfied that Tuesday would be the day...she played games and made it a story. Oh, and since you asked what Sen. Bishop was doing.  Monday is the Senator's district day. Meaning he was not out having lunch with family, he was working with his constituents, or in more understandable terms, he was being accountable.


    Not to mention...Sen. Bishop has been asking to meet with the Gov. for over 3 weeks now.  Once again your communications skills have proven to be the best...You said, that Bishop hasn't had anytime to meet with the Gov....WRONG!  The Gov. was so serious about this budget crisis and meeting with Sen. Bishop that she went all the way to GERMANY for a week to meet with companies that are where, already in MICHIGAN.


    I guess you forgot about this meeting...


    Can you explain to me why the Republican's should make their budget proposals public?  Why is that their duty?  The last time I checked it was up to the Gov. to pull together a plan to get Michigan out of the crisis, with the HELP of the legislature.  It's not the legislatures duty to bring plans to the citizens.


    Thank you for the representation of a true Liberal...one that ignores the facts, and creates their own.

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