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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I don't know Sanborn (none / 0) (#7)
    by jdee on Wed Oct 03, 2007 at 07:20:16 PM EST
    at all, but his side of the aisle put forth and passed a bill that would have cut over a billion out of the budget, a bill that would have significantly reduced the need to tax our beleagured economy.  

    A bill that was DOA when it reached the House, because the Dems refused to look at spending cuts.  All they wanted was more taxes to feed their pork-bellies.  To my knowledge, the bill was never even brought up for consideration by the Dem House leadership.  Perhaps those 10-14 House Dems, who were didn't want to vote for a tax increase for fear of losing their seats in the next election, would have supported this bill.

    No wonder the Dem leadership didn't allow it to be brought up.

    Whether he brought up the bill or not, Senator Sanborn is right.  Michiganers will be cleaning up the devastation of 'Hurricane Jenny' for a long time.  It wouldnt surprise me if it's not a generation before its affects are gone.  A generation lost to our kids leaving the state to find a living that can't be found at home.


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