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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Labor's Road trip

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Apr 04, 2011 at 07:41:56 AM EST
    Tags: Michigan, RTW, Right-to-Work, Petoskey, Labor, Unions, Thugs, Bullies, Mobsters (all tags)

    Many of you have seen the way in which many of the labor unions which do business in Michigan are teaming up and holding their own rallies in small to medium sized towns, but you may might not be sure exactly what is being said unless you go to one.  

    Our small group of perhaps 50 folks demonstrated for Right To Work outside the entrance of a rally in Petoskey on Sunday.  While we held our ground outdoors, the teachers and other members of labor units attended one of these unification rallies inside.

    And even with a strong constitution, the thought of attending the emotion ginning affairs might be tough. Try holding your lunch while listening to old mobsters try to explain to the younger new union members that they have to be more aggressive, and stick together (to do something illegal).  Listen to the custodian mom who has been getting dragged to each of these affairs because she is worried about her job, with the new legislation mandating bid process for off-education activities.  

    The tour of Michigan towns and villages according to our infiltrator at the Petoskey pro-union rally are getting mixed signals, and our message while standing outside the entrance to the event was perhaps internalized a little.  People want the right to work in Michigan.

    Funny how that looks..  "people want the right to work"

    When did we have to start asking permission?

    For the custodian mom, she is sure her job will be contracted out.  She may well really think so, but the attendees are being done a disservice by the labor handlers of hers not also mentioning that her union could bid as well, taking a more entrepreneurial role. Hmmm, "entrepreneurial role" ... where have I seen THAT before?

    But I digress..  

    More as I have time through the day.

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    When unions talk to unions... (none / 0) (#1)
    by rdww on Mon Apr 04, 2011 at 09:22:02 AM EST
    If you hae any UAW members in the household, you must occasionally see the UAW newsletter.  Reading it is an eye-opener.  Your first thought is, what nasty, paranoid, resentful folks the UAW must be.  Then, you actually talk to members, and find most of them just put up with the union, when not complaining about how useless it is.  This leaves you wondering if it's just the UAW leadership which is so nasty, paranoid, etc., or if they just take that tone in the newsletter because they think it keeps the rank-and-file pumped up.

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