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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Ah, childbirth (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu Mar 14, 2013 at 11:33:35 AM EST
    Somewhat ironic this morning from ye 'ol inbox is a similar humorous quagmire fitting of the diehard apothecaries still administering elixir on a metastasized, malignant Team R.

    I mowed the lawn today, and after doing so I sat down, and had an ice-cold beer.  The day was really quite beautiful, and the drink facilitated some deep thinking on various topics.  Finally, I thought about an age old question:

    Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?

    Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts.

    Well, after another beer, and some heavy deductive thinking, I have come to the only logical conclusion for that question.

    A year or so after giving birth, a woman will often say, "It would be nice to have another child."

    On the other hand, you never hear a guy say, "You know, I think I would like another kick in the nuts."

    I rest my case.  Time for another beer.

    Choices... another kick in the nuts, anyone?

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