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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    For the record, . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Sun Jun 10, 2012 at 05:23:09 PM EST
    . . . my longest post on this site was 25,631 words in length.  That was an August 2008 interview with Albert S. Abbasse, a democrat currently from Byron Center, who was at that time Justin Amash's general campaign opponent for the 72nd State House seat being vacated by termed-out Glenn Steil, jr.

    Al Abbasse is the current Secretary of the Kent County Democrat Party, a perpetual "name on the ballot" in heavily-republican portions of the county (check the 10th District County Commission race), a hardcore progressive-liberal, and a borderline statist.

    The aforementioned interview was only my 13th post on this site (back when I was a newbie to political blogging), and apparently exceeded the maximum allowable word limit on this site.  (Yes, there is one, and it's somewhere in the immediate vicinity of 10,000 words.)

    That having been said, we need to get Nancy Classless' entire record (every damming bit of it) collected in one spot.  I'm thinking, KG, that you could draft the entire thing as a Microsoft Word Document (with links), convert it to a PDF, and then e-mail it to either Jason or me so we can post it in the RightMichigan Media Library for all to observe and admire.

    Is that an idea you can run with?

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