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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I'm not trying to defend the FTP (none / 0) (#9)
    by Seth9 on Thu Sep 02, 2010 at 02:10:18 PM EST
    The FTP is attempting to mislead voters. This is indefensible. However, I do take issue with a precedent that basically means that the SOS can selectively withhold the right to form a political party and participate in our democratic process because someone used the wrong font. Our government should be working to enable us to utilize our rights. It should not look for petty ways to restrict them for political reasons.

    If the Court of Appeal had denied the FTP's petition to form a party because they had not only violated this statute, but had also clearly ignored election law with regard to its candidates in a blatant attempt to mislead the voters in the state of Michigan, I could have lived with it because the precedent would have been that new parties cannot form if they are going to routinely and blatantly ignore election law. However, the court did not do so and instead made a ruling that encourages the obstruction of rights via excessive and complicated regulation.


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