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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Be careful what you wish for. (none / 0) (#7)
    by LookingforReagan on Wed Mar 03, 2010 at 03:58:35 PM EST
    Huckleberry has never been one of my favorite people. Luckily I have relatives that have lived in Arkansas for over 40 years. Old Huck isn't quite the Conservative he makes out to be. As governor of Arkansas he raised taxes almost as much as the Arkansas Traveler, Bubba Clinton. Huckabee is only embracing the Fair Tax because he views it as a popular idea and will help him to appear more Conservative. He is not much different then John McCain. There has always been something about the guy that just never rang true with me. From what I have learned from those that lived under his administration he wasn't that great. Not a person that inspired others and was not creative as to the way he governed.He was a place holder at best. While Cox and Hoekstra are the leading candidates of the Republican Party here in Michigan it remains to be seen who will be the last one standing at the end of the day. I want to wait till the debates begin and some questions I have are answered. But Huckabee endorsing a candidate will not make me support that candidate over another or to the exclusion of all others. Remember it was "Conservatives" like Huckabee that gave us the perfect candidate in John McCain. As a result of that wise leaderhip choice by the party braintrust we find ourselves in our current situation.

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