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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    value based budgeting (none / 0) (#2)
    by Tom McMillin on Sun Oct 10, 2010 at 08:55:11 PM EST
    I've heard Rick talk more about this and I've talked to Calley about it as well...and I think it will shake Lansing up.  Often when there are departments testifying before one of my committees, I'll ask, "So, is your department getting better?  and whatever your answer, how do you know?"....all i get is blank stares.  There is no measuring...no metrics.  For each function, each area of expenditure, we need to make clear how to measure what they are doing - transparently, and make sure that we are measuring the right things - the things gov't should be doing and that when we reach the "target" we will be succeeding.  How we spend money on adoptions, daycare services for low-income families, medicaid services, state police services, monies given to municipalities, monies given to schools, etc....
    as a fellow CPA, i'm pretty fired up about what he's saying re: Value-based budgeting.


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