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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Think Positive (none / 0) (#3)
    by Republican Michigander on Mon Apr 27, 2009 at 01:16:59 PM EST
    1. With the way pols drink (what do you expect with so many Irish in politics), that's money going there instead of a campaign mailings, etc. I hope they all get hammered as long as they aren't driving.

    2. If they aren't in their offices, they can't screw us over.

    With the job they do anyway when sober, how much worse can they be drunk?

    Irony is that I used to tip a lot back in my undergrad days, but I almost always limited it to 2 or 3 (spread out) at the most at any political event, and 2 at the most when I'm an offical political position. I refuse to be "that guy" at the events.

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