First lady Michelle Obama will campaign for Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Gary Peters and gubernatorial nominee Mark Schauer at the Detroit Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts on Friday.
Why not? Rick Snyder has been campaigning for Debbie Dingell, so, good luck with that.
You Betcha!
(27)Nuh Uh.

Picture caption inappropriate. Keep your comments limited to politics. I'll read conservative opinion - even snarky comments, but the caption is cruel and has no basis in political thought.
Well, Mr. Lombard, thanks for your input and, I suppose one could possibly see some sort of value to your opinion. That is if one chooses to remain ignorant enough to not see Michelle's big fat ass dictating to others what their dietary consumption Shall be by means of government force. If memory serves me correctly, I do not recall seeing that bitch's name on the ballot in 2008, nor 2012, did you?
Bump for giggles.
Big ... Black ... Biden VP Ass.
Slo Joe and Pot Hole - 2020!
Deal with it....