Tag Archive for Committeeman

Life at “inception”

Get a load of this smear job (No, I’m not giving links to Finley for any advertising hits).

Inception_N_Finkleyclick on image to enlarge

So, basically, slimy nincompoop Nolan wants an amoral society of worker-bees funding a big bifarceisan government or, debt slaves. Well, the bald bastard has just that in the Snyder/Calley administration. It sucks only in other fashion from the prior big spenders.

Nevertheless, there is the ugly truth about what the MI-GOP has become. For those who will be voting next month, when you look around the room at everybody, and you don’t see who “the mark” is – it is you. Tho, I’m rather confident the Party apparatchik will double-down on stupid.

History proves it has again and again!

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(2)


“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This is the second time that Cindy Gamrat (at the behest of Todd Courser?) has considered throwing her hat in the ring for RNC Committeewoman. This is also the second time she has made an attempt to Undermine the TP/Liberty movement this month. An apparent pattern is beginning to emerge, one that many, myself included, were blinded to by Friendship and possibly misplaced loyalty.

Many of us Know that Cindy Gamrat asked Both Cindy Duran and Angela Rigas, to effectively cancel their house races, and Commit their Campaign resources and volunteers to her fight. (Were there others asked to do so?) Angela Rigas and Cindy Duran were both taking on sitting incumbents. With the recent revelations of the endorsement of Ronna last week, and the propping up of Calley at the Pow Wow, one could easily speculate on the motives of such a request, the origination of the requests, and who would benefit the most if either had dropped out? Many realize that while Pscholka and Lyons both still won, neither is in a position of leadership in the house today, and much of the credit for that goes to the diminishing of their power due to being challenged. A secondary thought is the arrogance involved in the concept that a candidate has the “Right” to commit the time, energy, and resources of volunteers, to others.

You Betcha! (29)Nuh Uh.(2)