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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Thu Jun 06, 2013 at 12:34:33 PM EST
    Tags: Lemon Socialism, TARP: The Greatest Transfer of Wealth in the History of America, Public-Private Partnerships, Hardest Hit Fund, Banksters, Tim Geithner, confirmed by usual Senate RINO's, Two Party system?, Two wings - One bird, Federal Debt trough, MSHDA, Rep Dan Kildee - D first bill?, bailing out Progressive Utopias, Shared Sacrifice baby, Massive Federal debt is not a factor, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Remember the famous Republican sales spiel for TARP to abandon the Free Market to save it?  I do.  Hell, that Republican even said , "I'd approve TARP again."  I also remember the Michigan Republican that said, "if we don't pass something to help the financial institution, it collapses, the DOW loses another 3,000 points, it needed to be done."  Well, George W, Pete Hoekstra, along with a gaggle of other Pale Pastels... thank you for opening another Pandoras Box of reckless spending as those who parade around the Big Tent as alleged "conservatives" always do.

    The state is poised to have $100 million in federal funds freed up to demolish vacant homes in Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Grand Rapids and Saginaw.

    An announcement could come as soon as today that federal dollars previously allocated for mortgage relief have been approved to target neighborhoods riddled with abandoned and burned-out houses, according to four sources with knowledge of the situation.

    The federal dollars come from an aid program that is part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program launched in 2010 to help unemployed homeowners stay in their houses and help families with underwater mortgages -- who owe more than their homes are worth.

    The $7.6 billion program, known as the Hardest Hit Fund, targeted 18 states including Michigan, plus the District of Columbia, reeling from the housing crisis and economic downturn.


    See that?  Poof!  In only two years, TARP transcends into the Hardest Hit Fund.  Pure Magic!  Take a look at the map, it's predominately a Blue State bailout scheme for failed Progressive Utopias.  To paraphrase the late Baroness Thatcher - The problem with Socialism is that the Democrats will never run out of other peoples money in America, as long as there are Progressives in the Republican Party finding ways to steal it for them.

    And, the MI-GOP in Lansing, along with the RNC in D.C., wonders why they've been going down in electoral flames ever since they dropped the ball with the 2010 Sea of TEA Partying Red demanding Constitutionally limited, fiscal responsible, sound government.

    For record, the only Michigan Reps. who honorably voted NO on TARP were: Conyers, McCotter, Miller, Rogers, Stupak, and Walberg.  I thank you for that vote, again.  And, the usual cast of Senate RINO's confirmed a Geithner Treasury Department that dreams up Progressive aid programs like the Hardest Hit Fund.  Way to go, dunderheads.

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    You've missed one interesting... (none / 0) (#1)
    by KG One on Sun Jun 09, 2013 at 12:01:35 PM EST
    ...detail here:

    " Bill Pulte and his team at the Detroit Blight Authority lobbied for such money for months and hope the announcement will mean tens of millions of dollars for Detroit and the blight authority for demolition work.

    "It's a great day for Detroit, we're hopeful that we are able to put this money to good work," Pulte said, "because it could make a material impact on the landscape as well as the financial condition of Detroit."

    It's still pouring perfume on a pig.

    There is pretty much nothing left regarding neighborhoods.

    At least livable ones, anyway.

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