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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Urgent Action Alert: Do Dillon and Cherry support Dems' radical ANTI-CHOICE legislation?

    By Nick, Section News
    Posted on Tue Jul 07, 2009 at 07:10:22 AM EST
    Tags: Cherry, Dillon, Meadows, Warren, 2010, abortion, crisis pregnancy center, pharmacist, choice, life (all tags)

    "We don't think a pharmacist should sit in judgment on a prescription a doctor has prescribed and that is in their patient's best interests," Dem State Representative Rebekah Warren recently told a pro-abortion online resource publication.  

    An early contender for the "most patently ridiculous quote of the year," Warren's embarrassing  attempt at quasi-ethical faux-reason was, apparently, an attempt to rationalize her support for House Bill 5164, legislation that ignores longstanding, bipartisan state and national standards and legally forces pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the "abortion pill" despite personal, moral or religious objections.

    The bill is cosponsored by twenty-three other House Democrats.

    Currently, health care workers, including the good folks who after a badly skinned knee fill the prescription for your child's antibiotics, are legally entitled to refuse to participate in procedures they object to ethically.  Like, say, killing kids.

    That's not sitting "in judgment" of a doctor and a patient.  That's sitting in judgment of one's own conscience and actions, Representative.  

    Unfortunately, that's not even the most insidious legislation just introduced by members of a political Party beholden above everything else to the multi-billion dollar abortion-on-demand industry.

    Warren and twenty other House Democrats have also introduced House Bill 5158, effectively designed to drive crisis pregnancy centers out of business. The legislation creates fresh regulation that mandates each and every non-profit CPC in the state provide, in writing, information about where and how to acquire an abortion, including directions showing pregnant women how to get to the abortion clinic.

    The real irony in all of this is just how patently ANTI-CHOICE each of these bills is.  Eliminating pharmacists' choice on whether or not to physically participate in a procedure they may consider anything from mildly objectionable to a mortal sin, all via government mandate and the threat of force doesn't exactly promote that whole "liberty" concept.

    Meanwhile, the Crisis Pregnancy Center legislation is inarguably designed to force pro-life organizations to permanently close their doors, leaving hurting women with only one option... pro-abortion Planned Parenthood.

    Each of the bills has been referred to the House Judiciary committee, chaired by Democrat Mark Meadows.  Meadows is the primary sponsor on the anti-CPC bill and a co-sponsor on the pharmacists-as-abortionists mandate.  We know where he stands.

    There are two prominent Michigan Democrats whose opinion we still don't know, though.

    House Speaker Andy Dillon, a man who has been endorsed by Michigan Right to Life in cycles past and one who is rumored to be considering a run at the Governor's office next year, has not commented publicly on the bills making their way through his chamber.

    Similarly, Lieutenant Governor and 2010 Gubernatorial candidate John Cherry has been silent on his party's pro-abortion, anti-choice legislation.  

    Michigan voters have a right to know where each of them stand.

    Three listings follow.  No excuses.  Please find five minutes today... right now, on your lunch break, on the road in between meetings... whenever... and drop an email and CALL Mark Meadows, John Cherry and Andy Dillon.

    Tell them what YOU think about the Democrats' anti-choice legislation, ask Meadows and Dillon to stop the insanity before it reaches the House floor and ask Andy Dillon and John Cherry whether or not they support their Party's shockingly anti-choice legislation, HBs 5158 and 5164.

    Then swing back by and let everyone know what they said!

    John Cherry

    Phone: (517) 853-8050

    Email: ltgovcherry@michigan.gov

    Andy Dillon

    Phone: (888) 737-3455

    Email: andydillon@house.mi.gov

    Mark Meadows

    Phone: (517) 373-1786

    Email: markmeadows@house.mi.gov

    < Tuesday in the Sphere: July 7 | Breaking records I didn't even know existed >

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    Abortion Pill? (none / 0) (#1)
    by AGeekyMom on Tue Jul 07, 2009 at 10:09:15 AM EST
    Are you referring to the "Plan B" pill? If my reading is correct (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_B_(birth_control)#Plan_B,) the "Plan B" pill is simply a packet of birth control pills that a woman can take in the 1st 72 hours after having unprotected sex (or the condom breaks, or she was raped) to prohibit an egg from being fertilized. It will not cause an abortion in a woman who is already pregnant.
    How is this, then, an "abortion pill?"

    So (none / 0) (#4)
    by quigonjames on Tue Jul 07, 2009 at 04:08:28 PM EST
    religious groups cannot interfere with running the government but government can interfere with running religious groups?? WTF is going on with these people, seriously.

    What is ridiculous (none / 0) (#5)
    by stevenstmason on Wed Jul 08, 2009 at 01:01:18 AM EST
    is a pharmacist denying a patient access to the medicine that they have a prescription to take. Since when are pharmacist's "ethical" concerns allowed to trump the health of a patient?

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