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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    OK, I'm all jiggy with Nick, 'cept for... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Sep 25, 2013 at 11:11:41 PM EST
    This sh!t.

    * Legalization of all drugs allowing for the public to purchase them from pharmacies and even though prostitution is "an awful thing," allowing it to occur within the free market.

    All drugs?  WTF is this cat talking about - tax monies.  Uncle Squeaky did the Hookers and Heroin schtick already.  F#@% that goofy old fart.  Here's the dealio.  In a perfect PaulTardian world, all that "free the weed and gash" Bee-esS works well.  However, there are minors that become involved (praise Muhammad).  I've had the displeasure knowing a few who have passed through my life that have been affected by that sh!t that is "an awful thing," that'd be doping too (go figure - hand in hand), which was at one point in decline when Ron and Nancy were successful with "Just Say No".  Believe me, if you're a legal adult and want to burn some rope, I could give a rats ass - your choice.  Mine too.  What?  Cheaper than Marlboro's now, dude.  However, if minors are involved, and dope or tricking and LP abortion is involved - I'll wear my fists out.  Been there done that.  Fact.

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