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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    "Quasi-support" is debatable . . . (none / 0) (#9)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Nov 27, 2012 at 11:12:38 AM EST
    . . . the initial premise was to test the plausibility of a C4L post-election theory (hint, it isn't plausible), and then expand that theory to include the other three primary contenders that the WMR-ROF campaign shat on.  The larger point that I was making is that the RNC, by being complicit in Mitten's purchase of the nomination, did a brilliant job of alienating the very conservative grassroots base that they needed to energize in order to win this thing.  In the 17 states that could have gone red (including the 10 that should have), that a no-longer-interested conservative base (including, but by no means limited to, the C4L) could have made the difference in between 4 and 7 of those states was a point that I thought worth considering.

    I've spoken with precinct delegates, as well as county and district leadership, from various corners of the state.  Everyone I've spoken with confirms the validity of that point.  The only people who were energized by Romney's nomination were those who were already his supporters in the primary . . . everyone else had to fake it to one degree or another.  As my wife is fond of saying regarding several of her ex-boyfriends, you can only fake it so much before it just isn't worth the effort anymore.

    I've readily criticized REP, and the 5% to 9% of his supporters who are too hardcore for their own good, on this site and elsewhere when I've thought it appropriate.  Quite frankly, I'm still of the opinion that Gary Johnson is more qualified for the White House than Ron Paul is.  And while I had no intention of defending those hardcore Paulbots, I'll allow that they had a point, because there's no one reason that this POTUS election went inexcusably blue.

    I agree with you also, Scales, in that I consider the score settled on Goldwater.


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