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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Brian Calley . . . (none / 0) (#2)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Fri Aug 05, 2011 at 12:45:34 PM EST
    . . . spoke to this briefly at a River City Patriots meeting last night.  His profession prior to becoming a State Representative was that of a banker.  Not once in that line of work did he recall anyone defaulting because they had not enough debt; yet needing to take on more debt to avoid default on the existing debt was precisely the logic being used for the past few weeks in DC.

    He then went on to point out that, even though a good chunk of what the administration did over the past seven months wasn't exactly popular, Michigan is now on its way to regaining its AAA bond rating, which we lost in 2003 under Granholm's lack-of-leadership.

    And just as an encouragement to y'all to keep your powder dry (and keep this comment thread relevant to the original topic), yes, the Lieutenant Governor was grilled with regard to the NITC.  Having listened to his explanation, I now believe that we really are hearing only one side of the story, and I will be getting Calley's take on this posted here soon . . . and then those that still have issue can rip away (on that thread).

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