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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This is just (none / 0) (#5)
    by grannynanny on Tue Mar 08, 2011 at 12:32:22 PM EST
    more hooey to add to the already existing hooey that pretends it is our government.  Go to any Michigan unit of government that regulates or issues a license and try to figure out just what they exist for?  

    A little shop keeper in our community applied for a liquor license back in 2005.  It took him over a year and half to obtain that license.  He showed me the paper work and it was astounding to see the absolute stupidity of our government. The requests that were made were so over the top regarding their site application it was comical.  Proof that the building was not at one time a gas station, proof that the building was on a county road (WTF), proof that what he reported as sq. footage was actual (WTF), proof that buildings on either side of him actually existed and on an on. On top of that - the person handling their application went on maternity leave for 4 months and his license sat on her desk that entire time with no action.  Shop keep was told that is the way things "flow".  Now tell me that these "public servants" are hard working and deserve the bloated salaries they receive?  

    We need a part time legislature as the longer they spend time in Lansing the more time they have to dream up crap.  Let them stay in their districts and have voters biting at their arse to get real problems solved instead of dreaming up solutions to non-existent problems.

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