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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Kudos to you and the few. (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Sun Feb 27, 2011 at 05:02:24 AM EST
    I was enroute home from Louisiana and could't drive fast enough to be there in solidarity with what is right. I fear that had there been 10,000 people like you few and proud, the outcome will be the same in the short term.

    I heard an interesting commentary from Mike Church on Syrius while enroute home. He pointed out that the Wisconsin governor is not calling for reducing the public sector unionized workforce which is probably what he should be doing. We know from our friends at the Mackinac Center that Michigan public sector employment and their wages have grown in the last eight or so years while people have fled Michigan. Mr. Rick Snyder has not proposed reducing public sector employment--not directly anyway. He has some overseer or something probably looking at it, but no hard proposals. He has also repeatedly stated that, in essence, he isn't really interested in taking on the unions in any serious manner.

    It would come as no surprise if Maobama rides in as the savior with piles of Federal cash at the end of the day to pull Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states back from the edge. Since Snyder has already taken Federal money to fight the evil capitalist moneybags Matty Maroun over the DRIP bridge, or whatever it's called, it's a pretty safe bet he'd be glad to steal some more of our tax dollars (TARP, ARRA, THEFT, MAOBAMAMONEY?) with lots of strings attached. He is a friend of Milliken and Joe Schwartz. We'll see how the other governor's spines react to the dollars if I'm right.

    I think our efforts need to be focused on '12 and assuring that non-democrap legislators do what they're supposed to do, and on '14 to make sure we have a good pick from the farm team to replace Snyder. We also need to work at the grassroots to root out the Not Taxed Enough Already Party members that have infiltrated the TEA Party and support increased taxes for anybody to make it FAIR and because that's the easy way out in their feeble little minds.

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