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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This is odd (none / 0) (#23)
    by Seth9 on Fri Sep 10, 2010 at 01:29:29 PM EST
    As you've shown, my original thought was probably incorrect (I was just trying to guess what the paper's number actually meant based on similar articles I've read). I've started running the numbers but I have to get to class. I'll get back to you on this later today.

    Also, I looked up my numbers from a project for a class last year which involved solar panels. We found that it cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $350-$400/m^2 per solar panel (lasts 25 years), so the solar panels themselves cost around $8750-$10000 at 5 m^2 per panel. Then they'd have to buy an inverter and do some wiring and stuff (the cost of this shouldn't be too high though). So I'm guessing that the turbines produces the bulk of the electricity because they invested a lot more money on it. That, or the people doing this are clinically dumb.


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