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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    1st CD (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Mon Sep 20, 2010 at 06:03:53 PM EST
    has already been decimated by losses of population most notably young people who after college, never returned to their home towns.  All that is left are retirees, mom and pop tourist spots and welfare and they cannot sustain those communities.  Big plants pulled out, logistics with lack of roadway service to those small communities kept them uncompetitve in their markets and unions and their demands finished them off. Now you have less tax base and more union employees in the municipalities demanding more pay and bennies from a very small tax base.  Stupak has never addressed those issues and in siding with the libs and Granholm on the green energy front just killed any hope of reviving a manufacturing base in these areas of the state (Wolverine Power Plant in Rogers City comes to mind).  

    It is so sad to go back to my home town and see empty buildings, marinas and store fronts.  And we stayed as long as we could.  Moving to a new area and a new job at the age of 50 is very scary!  NE lower Michigan is so beautiful and those that remain are working hard to stay but they need Washington and Lansing to get out of the way and let people and small businesses flourish and expand.  The uncertainty of taxes, health care costs and regulation is killing any growth!

    We need good people like Benichek to go to Washington and get the job done for this district that is hurting so much from the Stupak years.

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