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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    you folks are ALL WRONG on Snyder... (none / 0) (#8)
    by buddywhitley on Sat Mar 21, 2009 at 09:01:29 PM EST
    This guy appears to be the opposite of what he is being accused of.

    He is not a social moderate and financial conservative. Based on his interviews so far, he is a social moderate AND a fiscal liberal.

    Check out the Zandstra "interview". Snyder is the former head of the MI Economic Development Corporation. As in corporate welfare, government-managed economic interference, special tax rates for the centrally-planned chosen few, etc. The MEDC has been an unmitigated disaster in socialist central planning. This guy helped create this monster? Ugh!

    In my experience, the only people who can be trusted to be "fiscally conservative and socially moderate" are libertarians who simply oppose government intervention in either spheres. Most self-described GOP "soc mods" are the William Milliken-Joe Schwarz-Pan Godchaux "republicans" who are ANYTHING BUT fiscally conservative.

    I know it is early, but I want friggin' solid proof of fiscally conservative credentials and the damn MEDC is a terrible start! He couldn't even answer MIRS on whether he supports the MBT surcharge? No Republican should have ANY trouble answering THAT question!

    With regard to social issues, his Zandstra answer on gay marriage is identical to Obama's position. I believe it also mirrors Granholm's: "no" on gay marriage, "yes" on equivalent arrangements.  

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