
The Other Shady Bunch

What perfect timing to have us some Wayne County Jail indictments.

Jail contractor Walbridge Aldinger was selected over objections from contractors who complained the process favored the company. Its CEO, John Rakolta, served on a board of a nonprofit led by Mullin that was paying her a $75,000 bonus atop her $200,000 salary from the county.

Nah… nothing to see here, here, here, or here.

Move along rank-and-file Romney/Rakolta cult Party sheeple.


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This Guy Has Apparently Seen Michigan Politics

There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.

GOP-SplitRick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.

We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan.  It also seems to be a nationwide condition.  Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He writes:

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Loses 2 Statewide Campaigns Settles Into ‘So Be It’ Mode

Funny how I seemed to have overlooked the only Sheriff in the state to shat upon our RTKABA, however, I now feel compelled to give him some exposure love he craves.

So, what are some of Bouchard’s “realities” other than Hailstorm?

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“Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.” ~ David Bednar

One of the diseases of liberal progressivism, is the unraveling of the moral construct which binds out families together.

We have seen the ravages of progressivism in our urban centers.  We have seen the moral decay reach outside of those places as well, destroying the family institution. We know however, that strong, intact families are not only statistically more stable, but serve God best through his design. Broken and malformed families only serve other masters, as witnessed by Mallory Millet, who writes at Front Page Mag:

“..  We gathered at a large table as the chairperson opened the meeting with a back-and-forth recitation, like a Litany, a type of prayer done in Catholic Church. But now it was Marxism, the Church of the Left, mimicking religious practice:

“Why are we here today?” she asked.
“To make revolution,” they answered.
“What kind of revolution?” she replied.
“The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
“By destroying the American family!” they answered.
“How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
“By destroying the American Patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.
“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears.  Was I on planet earth?  Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.


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One if by Land

Two if by Rob ‘Ghey *marriage*’ Portman, and Terri ‘Elliot-Larsen expansion’ Hibma, are flitting about Detroit, tomorrow.

LOLSen. Rob Portman, who is vice chairman of the party’s U.S. campaign arm, says the Michigan Senate seat is still “winnable” — despite polls showing Democrat Rep. Gary Peters leading.

The Ohio Republican will be in the Detroit area on Friday for a campaign event with former Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, who is trailing Peters, D-Bloomfield Township.


Keep those pandering, pragmatic chins up, Team Pale Pastel.

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Uh-oh… Nolan has the Fantods

Gilligan's IslandFinley’s brand of centrist Hopium is wearing off as it appears that pragmatism now sucks.

Snyder’s response is a somnambulist commercial in which he comes across as dull as a valiumed-up dental patient with a message eerily reminiscent of Granholm’s infamous “in five years, you’ll be blown away” pledge.

Michigan hardly ever unseats an incumbent governor, particularly when the economy is on the upswing. If there were a 2010-style Republican wave cresting, Snyder would be up 10 points in this race.


Except now Snyder has his apolitical record of screwing over everyone to accomplish his amoral big government agenda, which ain’t a helluva lot different from the DNC/MDP apparatchik.

Tough lessons for those who followed a corporate snake who built the bulk of his personal wealth by means of taxpayer subsidy at the MEDC, however, if one plays in the middle of the road, sooner or later they’re gonna get crushed. Nobody likes those that pretend they’re everything while standing for nothing.

I’m staying my course with a vote for Ruth Johnson. To hell with the rest of ’em.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

License Of Looters

The problem is not the expense of the tools, but the tools themselves.

hammerI have frequently argued that the problem with campaign finance is not the ability of donors to support candidates, but rather the destructive hammer that government wields.

Full disclosure, as we have argued on these pages is critical.  The process out in the open encourages good behavior, and provides a limiting effect on pandering to financial interests by politicos.  Even the amounts even being less important to the argument. Saying:

We DO agree that limits should be removed from campaign finance. We agree that limiting to an arbitrary amount can impede free speech and political expression. What is considered a fair contribution into the process is a completely subjective matter that can only be resolved by the person who is willing to contribute into that process.  A person’s individual priorities and where a subject reaches a level of importance are hardly the providence of external assignment.

The full argument making the point that ‘effect’ of the contributions  being known, lessens the harmful power of the influence.

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Peyronie’s Baird sat on a wall

Peyronie’s Baird had a great fall


Since Baird’s tax issue came to light, he has worked to clear up residency issues. He still claims a tax exemption on his home in suburban Chicago, where he spends his weekends with wife and family, Snyder’s office has said.

Baird’s Illinois driver’s license expired Aug. 24, according to the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, but he continues to drive a Mercedes SUV with Illinois plates.

As of Monday, Baird remained on the voter rolls in Illinois, said Courtney Greve, spokeswoman for the Cook County Clerk’s Office.

Records show Baird last voted by mail in the November 2012 elections, Greve said.

Snyder, who is in a tough re-election battle against Democrat Mark Schauer, has expressed support for Baird and acknowledged he “made a couple of errors.”

All the Nerdking’s horses and all the Nerdking’s men

Couldn’t put Peyronie’s Baird together again.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(3)

In For A Penny

Lets simply call it what it is; a corrupted system

waiting-homerIn for a pounding.

The collapse of our healthcare model was not enough for the bureaucrats and politicians, but now they want to double down on stupid by selecting ‘failure’ as the option.  Aside from adding untold numbers onto our welfare rolls, disrupting doctor patient relationships and encouraging sloth, Michigan’s brain trust wants to go with a high bidder who has demonstrated they suck, and is also based out of the country, to handle your sensitive data.

The site was designed and implemented by a Canadian firm, and it never worked. It was slow, and had severe security flaws exposing personal records to those of criminal AND innocent intent.  And now Michigan [Take A Vote Not a Vacation©] officials have decided that Michigan deserves more of that, thank you very much. According to the Free Press

“Officials in the administration of Gov. Rick Snyder chose CGI Technologies and Solutions, whose parent company is headquartered in Montreal, over three U.S.-based firms.

CGI did not submit the lowest bid. Accenture, a management consulting and technology firm headquartered in New York, offered the lowest price by nearly $5 million, but “CGI provided best value,” Kurt Weiss, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget, said Friday.

Oh yeah, did we mention there were US firms bidding? feels it unnecessary to elaborate further at the moment.

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